In response to the demands of the Namibian people, the IPC was
created on 2nd August 2020 as a fully-fledged political party with the election of its leadership and acceptance of its constitution. The IPC stands for grassroots participatory democracy, built on the principles of honesty, integrity, dignity, and rule of law. The IPC provides a political home for all Namibians irrespective of their cultural, tribal, ethnic, or social status, independent of any past or existing political affiliation, with a clear mandate to restore the dignity of our people. This makes the IPC the most diverse and most multi-represented party on the Namibian political landscape. After a very successful regional and local election in November 2020, the IPC became the second largest political party in Namibia and the unofficial opposition.
President of the Independent Patriots for Change
Dr. Panduleni

The Chief Patriot is the First amongst equals and the Head of the party. He is the custodian of the party and party constitution. The CP presides over meetings and sets the political strategy of the party together with the National Council of Patriots. The CP has a Veto right on issues of fundamental principles of the party to ensure democratic decision-making process in all deliberations are adhered to.
The incumbent, Dr. Itula is a unifier, an experienced politician, having joined politics in the early seventies. He is very conversant with politics and law, having spend more than three decades in the United Kingdom. His experience abroad brings dynamism and meaning to the politics of Namibia. A former leader of the youth league, he believes in the empowerment of young people to self-actualize. The CP is the visionary of the party, providing guidance on fundamental policy issues in line with the law. The CP is an excellent Historian of both the African and Namibian history, having traveled the length and breadth of Namibia upon his return over a five-year period, he has incredible knowledge of both the country and her people. Dr. Itula is a philosopher of note, an academic and outstanding physician. He is well versed on a number of topics ranging from Law, Medicine, Politics, History, Economics and Literature.
The CP provides guidance to the National Executive Committee including Coaching and Mentoring of legislators and the leadership alike. The party is very fortunate to have the CP as its head, a well-rounded individual who is a politician par excellence’. In addition to All this, the CP just like the NGS is multi-lingual and speaks five languages (English, Afrikaans, Otjiherero, Oshiwambo and German) allowing him to communicate with Namibians from all walks of life.
Long live the leader of the IPC, Long Live
Long live Dr. Itula, Long live
Namibia is All we have!
Namibia is not for Sale!!
National General Secretary of the Independent Patriots for Change
Esperanza !Auchamus

The National General Secretary is the Chief Administrator of the Party, who is responsible for overseeing the operations of the Party’s National Secretariate and who coordinates the activities and operations of the party including all employees of the party at Constituency, Regional and National levels.
The NGS performs her tasks in accordance with Directives of the National Executive Committee and the National Council of Patriots. The incumbent is a seasoned administrator with extensive experience in managing large organizations. She has worked with grassroots organizations in most parts of the country and has served on various bodies of both regional and national governments. Having worked most of her professional career in the non-profit sector, the NGS is conversant with the plight of ordinary citizens and understands social issues at macro level too.
The NGS interacts with Government representatives, networks with like-minded organizations, engages with potential investors and curios visitors to the party head-quarters on a daily basis. Her vast experience enables her to navigate this huge task with ease. The NGS is multi-lingual and speaks English, Afrikaans, Otjiherero, Oshiwambo and Damara-Nama fluently. Long live the NGS, Long live!!
Where we are now
IPC formed a majority coalition in Windhoek to control the city councel and have mayors in towns across the country, including Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. With a Voter turnout of 38.26 IPC managed to gain 17.49% of the support. The opportunity thus lies in a larger voter turnout. That is why the responsibility lies with every Namibian to take part in the democratic process.
Source https://www.elections.na/
Previous Election Results

About IPC
Independent Patriots for Change
© 2021 by Independent Patriots for Change. Created by CME Marketing
Structure of IPC