We have seen and known for decades that thousands of girls miss classes for up to 5 days a month whenever they are on their menstrual cycle. Cumulatively, these days amount to up 60 days per year of missed classes. The main reason the girlchild misses school is because many do not have access to sanitary pads and are often ridiculed when they soil their school uniform. To avoid this ridicule, most opt to stay home until the menstrual cycle passes. The IPC in partnership with a young Namibian student, who studied in India is requesting for funds to bring to fruition a solution to this dilemma.

The founder of the project has gained skills to manufacture high quality sanitary pads, that are biodegradable (environment friendly) highly absorbent and the excellent solution to this challenge. Many other alternative projects aim to solicit sanitary donations from the public or advocate for reusable sanitary pads (highly unhygienic and unsustainable) particularly in areas where water remains a challenge. The IPC project already has infrastructure from which the manufacturing will be done and has basic machinery in place.
With this project, we will be able to supply 1 years’ supply of sanitary pads to every school going girls for a mere N$80-00 per annum, this translates to about N$6.66 per month, by far the cheapest and most reliable product to date. The project is aimed at restoring the dignity of the girl child and to accord her an equal fighting chance to remain in school and to maximize her potential. In order to kickstart this project we seek to solicit N$350000.00 (USD 25000.00). This project will solve this challenge for all girl children in all 14 regions of Namibia.
For enquiries, do not hesitate to contact us on
Independent Patriots for Change
© 2021 by Independent Patriots for Change. Created by CME Marketing
We are in the proccess of developing a payment gateway which will alow you to donate electronically with your debit or credit card. In the meantime however please see our banking details below:
Name: Independent Patriots for Change
Branch: Capricorn Private Wealth
Branch code: 48-41-72
Swift code: BWLINANX
Adress: Box: 7094,Whk,9000
Account number: 8019542293
Cheque Account
Bank Windhoek
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